
Ayurveda, being a branch of Veda evolved about 5000 years ago. It deals with the principles of physical and metaphysical aspect of life. It has established its principles based on the Fundamental principles of Philosophies of India. Hence it is not only aims to prevent and treat the diseases but also to attain salvation.

The word “Ayurveda” refers to “Science of Life”. Ayurveda states that Ayu is the combination of Sharira (Body), Indirya (Sense), Satva (Mana) and Atma (Soul). Shareera is formed by Dosha, Dhatu and Mala and their equilibrium is considered as health. Ayurveda describes the principles of maintenance of equilibrium state of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala to maintain the health. If diseases get manifested due to the imbalanced state of these, then specific treatment principles are explained to get rid of disease. Apart from these principles, Ayurveda also enlightens about salvation (Moksha) of Atma (soul) to get rid from cycle of rebirth.

Department of Basic Principle deals with the subjects which provide the profound knowledge of Sanskrit, Fundamental Principles of Samhitas, which facilitate the students to understand the principle of diseases and their management, further practical application of the principles in clinical practice.

Department includes good number of compendiums of Ayurveda.


  • Sanskrit – It is a basic language to understand and to interpret Samhitas of Ayurveda.
  • Padartha Vijnana – Deals with fundamental principles of Indian philosophies and utility of these principles to understand Samhita.
  • Ashtanga Hridaya (Sutra sthana) – Provides a brief insight of Basic principles of Ayurveda and their application in prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • Charaka Samhita (Purvardha) – Deals with in detail understanding of principles of Ayurveda and their application in prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • Charaka Samhita (Uttarardha) – It offers in-depth knowledge of prevention of the diseases, mode of manifestation of diseases and their treatment.
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